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Green Alternative to Conventional Water Softening

The classic water-softening unit operates on the basis of ion exchange; exchanging calcium and magnesium ions in water with an equivalent amount of sodium (Salt). When a water softener is used, the result is “soft water”,with increased sodium content in the water supply. Additionally, softening units require water for backwashing and common brine water salt water for regeneration. Alternatively, the Filtersorb SP3 media acts as a catalyst by accelerating the transformation of the calcium and magnesium minerals into harmless Nano particles. When the inlet water goes into the water conditioner tank, the Filtersorb SP3 media acts as a catalyst and pulls the hardness minerals of calcium and magnesium out of the solution and then transforms these minerals into inactive Nano crystal particles. Because the hardness minerals have been transformed into Nano particles, these Nanoscopic particles make their way through plumbing systems without attaching to pipes, fixtures, valves, or heating elements. The end result being conditioned water with minerals, not “soft water” but water containing the same mineral content as the source.

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